Wednesday, January 23, 2008

LOG 1135

Well, I took an extra shift at the hotel last night guarding the pest control displays. I guess I was there in case the roaches decided to attack. Luckily their roumered army took a wrong turn at Alberqurice. It's not like I had anything else to do anyways. - Another boring day, another boring dollar. I just feel so stuck right now. I don't like what I do, but I like the money I get doing it. And so far anything else I can do will be just the same or even worse than this. I guess that I just need to keep looking and keep hoping something shows up. I really don't know where to look in this area though. It's all service oriented jobs- food and retail. How about I've already been down that road and never want to go back.

I did finish Singularity Sky and I bought the sequel Iron Sunrise. So far I've read 110 pages last night. Yeah, its that good. Plus I had nothing else to do except for look at pest control displays for 7 hours. If I did that every night I'd probably weigh 300 pounds very soon. I need a life. Does anyone have a spare laying around?

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